Mobile laboratory services
Mobile Radiation Intelligence Laboratory is designed for operational conduct of radiation-dosimetric reconnaissance and sampling of air, soil, water, aquatic organisms in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

Universal multi-purpose mobile laboratory
Prompt response of the crew to the call
Use of modern measuring instruments
Speed and accuracy of the obtained results
Description of the service
To carry out radiation-dosimetric control of territories by employees of SSE “Ecocenter” at the specialized mobile laboratory of radiation reconnaissance devices are used:
– The ISS-AT6103 radiation scanning complex is used for automatic measurement of gamma radiation;
– Dosimeter – radiometer ISS-AT 1117 M;
– Radiometer – dosimeter ISS-01 R;
– Copter “Phantom 4”;
– Aspiration unit (installed in MLRD);
– Anemometer-analyzer for measuring speed, volume, air temperature, relative humidity, wet bulb temperature and CO2 concentration.
Stages of service provision
Stage 1
Receiving a notification about the need for radiation monitoring of the area / sampling
After receiving the application, the mobile laboratory receives the coordinates of the area and goes to take samples. It is necessary to check the serviceability of measuring instruments.
Stage 2
Sampling on the ground
Depending on the need, the team takes samples in accordance with established standards and safety precautions. The time and place of sampling must be indicated.
Stage 3
Obtaining and processing results
With the help of special devices the radiation condition of samples is assessed. Тhe final figures are recorded in the database and passed on to firefighters, Chernobyl workers and guides.
Photo of the mobile laboratory
Order a service
- +380 (4593) 5-22-01
- Shkilna Street, 6, Chornobyl, Kyiv Region, 07270